The new version of the Roll20 character sheet is up, I pushed the code to github and thought it might take a couple weeks but they pushed it right away and so I haven't had a lot of time to write up a good blog post on the subject. My idea to publish something on the Beacon Blog weekly is not going to happen and although I am hoping to meet a monthly schedule, honestly I'm pretty happy with the pace of the playtesting and the recent changes to the sheet. No reason to complain about that.
The new sheet has a bunch of changes. It looks prettier with a less crowded layout and more colour. I incorporated the Beacon logo colours into the page headers and the repeating list controls. I cleaned up the fonts, added a new Notes tab and moved spellboox to the end of the sheet. I put in a minimum and maximum width for the sheet so it doesn't compress or expand and throw off the labeling.Tuesday, March 23, 2021
Roll20 Sheet updated
Monday, March 1, 2021
Updates for the Character Sheet
I've been thinking of some updates to the Roll20 character sheet and finally got my butt in gear to make the changes. A big part of this Beacon renaissance I've embarked upon is to make Beacon very friendly for online play over Roll20 (for now) and I want to leverage the online sheets for tracking anything a player might want to track for their character. The new character sheets have been a great facilitator to play so far and so I'm trying to build on that success. I spend some time cleaning things up and refactoring some of the code from the last couple updates. I made the labels bigger in general and tried to clean up any bugs. I fixed an issue with level 5 spells not expanding properly and also updated the AC bonus on chainmail. I did update the page section headers to make them more colourful as well as apply a similar colour scheme to the repeating item buttons.
One bigger addition was to add was a section for companions, be they hired goons, apprentices or animal companions. Players are using companions a lot and also there is some work I want to do to beef up animal companions for Druids so I like having this on the online sheet and not on a notepad or google docs somewhere.I wanted to make it simple and leverage the spellbook idea of tucking away the details when not needed. I inherited some pretty good examples for this code from the original sheet designers so it was pretty simple to add it in. I originally tried to fit this onto the Inventory page but after seeing how busy that section was getting I added it to the Combat tab. Hopefully there is enough meat in this section to handle anything a player might want to track about a hireling or their pet owlbear.
Now players have a handy list of their companions and can track their HP and check the box off when they get killed by a norker right on the sheet, but if you click the notes button there is plenty of room for all sorts of inventory and comments. It will even track how much you owe them.
While doing this I liked having two smaller text boxes instead of the one large textbox the spell section used, so I also updated the spellbook section to split descriptions and notes into two text boxes.For backwards compatibility I had to leave the old inventory sections at the bottom. I would hate to roll out an updated sheet and have Beacon players in the wild loose their items! These sections are at the bottom of the sheet and don't really take up much room though. I'm still testing these changes but I think its pretty good chance that this will be pushed up soon.
Happy Beaconing.